The Social Sex Does 92Y

Okay, I'm not a New Yorker, and never will be. But I do take to heart the conversational "editing" of our phenomenal Harper Collins editor, Gail Collins. Over yummy whitefish at Russ & Daughters, Gail informed me that in NYC, one knows to say "Ninety-second Street Y." I committed the Silicon-Valleyish faux pas of calling the venerable venue "Ninety-two Y." Now I know, but remain unabashedly delighted to recall the great fun my co-author, Marilyn Yalom, and I had presenting The Social Sex: A History of Female Friendship to a really interesting audience in the hallowed-if-slightly-scuffed halls of The 92nd Street Y. We were pleased to greet Clair and Denise Benmosche and hear about Denise's upcoming film production: Letters from Baghdad. We also were honored by Gail Sheehy coming for a listen. Fortunately we'll be seeing Gail again soon, as she joins us at a literary gathering hosted by author Meg Waite Clayton. Incredible, creative women -- all!